Moabi DRC


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Map Features

Dans la base des données Moabi, toutes les caractéristiques des vecteurs ont une ** géométrie typique** qui définie si cette caractéristique est un point unique, une ligne, ou un polygone. Information additionnelle non géométrique sur chaque caractéristique est définie par un ensemble standardisé appelé attributs.

Types de géométrie

Toutes les caractéristiques peuvent etre un ou trois types: point, line, or polygon, similaire dans la plus part de programmes GIS. Il est possible que certaines caractéristiques soient représentées par différents types. Par exemple, une petite concession pourrait être représentée soit par un point marquant le centre de la concession ou comme a polygone traçant ses limites.


Toutes les caractéristiques sont définies par une série des différents attributs (aka tags) qui contiennent des informations additionnelles sur l’objet. Les Attributs son tune paire of uneclé et une valeur, encore similaire dans la plus part de programmes GIS. Il y a trois types d’attributs ans la plateforme Moabi. Pour plus d’information sur la nomenclature conventionnelle d’un attribut, regardez dans le tutorial suruploading data.


Toutes les caractéristiques (objets) on tune clé primaire qui définie ce qu’ils sont. Par exemple, toutes les concessions minières doivent avoir comme attribut concession=mine, alors que les concessions forestières doivent avoir comme attribut concession=logging.


Additionellement, les objets peuvent avoir zéro ou plusieurs attributs optionnels ce qui signifie l’information additionnelle sur cet objet. Par exemple, une mine peut etre qualifiée un operateur={text} attribut représentant son propriétaire/operateur, une ressource={text} attribut représentant le (s) minerais en exploitation, aussi bien que les autres attributs.


Tous les objets ont aussi automatiquement des attributs définis par défaut, dépendamment de leur caractéristique type. Par exemple, la plateforme peut calculer la superficie de tous les polygones, la longueur de toutes les lignes, et la localisation d’une province et district pour tous les objets (point, ligne, et polygone). A cause de cela, il n’est pas nécessaire d’inclure l’information sur la surface, longueur, ou localisation administrative quand on charge ou on édite les attributs d’un objet.


Land sold or rented to a private or state-owned industry for the extraction of natural resources.

Key Value Type Description Optional Attributes Rendered Style
concession mining An area of land allocated for mineral extraction ...
Optional Key Value(s) Description
license {text} The license type of a concession
operator {text} The owner/operator of the feature, as in the case of a concession or industrial project.
status {text} The operational status of the feature, as in the case of a concession or industrial project.
resource {text} For any feature that relates to resource extraction, the resource(s) involved.
artisanal true In the case of a concession, whether or not it is artisanal
application_date {date} The application date of a concession
grant_date {date} The grant date of a concession
expiration_date {date} The expiration date of a concession
concession logging An area of land allocated for timber extraction ...
Optional Key Value(s) Description
name {text} The default name of the feature.
operator {text} The owner/operator of the feature, as in the case of a concession or industrial project.
status {text} The operational status of the feature, as in the case of a concession or industrial project.
artisanal true In the case of a concession, whether or not it is artisanal
application_date {date} The application date of a concession
grant_date {date} The grant date of a concession
expiration_date {date} The expiration date of a concession
concession agriculture An area of land allocated for industrial-scale agriculture ...
Optional Key Value(s) Description
name {text} The default name of the feature.
operator {text} The owner/operator of the feature, as in the case of a concession or industrial project.
status {text} The operational status of the feature, as in the case of a concession or industrial project.
resource {text} For any feature that relates to resource extraction, the resource(s) involved.
application_date {date} The application date of a concession
grant_date {date} The grant date of a concession
expiration_date {date} The expiration date of a concession
concession oil An area of land allocated for the extraction of oil or hydrocarbons ...
Optional Key Value(s) Description
name {text} The default name of the feature.
operator {text} The owner/operator of the feature, as in the case of a concession or industrial project.
status {text} The operational status of the feature, as in the case of a concession or industrial project.
application_date {date} The application date of a concession
grant_date {date} The grant date of a concession
expiration_date {date} The expiration date of a concession


Used to describe the purpose for which an area of land is being used–more general than concession or territory.

Key Value Type Description Optional Attributes Rendered Style
landuse redd Land marked for conservation as part of the un redd+ process ...
Optional Key Value(s) Description
name {text} The default name of the feature.
status {text} The operational status of the feature, as in the case of a concession or industrial project.
project_leader {text} For any landuse or environmental project, the organizational leader of the project.
methodology {text} For any landuse or environmental project, the method(s) used to complete the project.
start_date {date} The start date for any land use project.
end_date {date} The end date for any land use project.
project_leader {text} For any landuse or environmental project, the organizational leader of the project.
contact_person {text} For any landuse or environmental project, the project contact.
contact_email {text} For any landuse or environmental project, the project contact's email.
landuse protected_area Land marked for conservation as part of the government's environmental program. ...
Optional Key Value(s) Description
name {text} The default name of the feature.
status {text} The operational status of the feature, as in the case of a concession or industrial project.


Land claimed by a specific group or peoples.

Key Value Type Description Optional Attributes Rendered Style
territory indigenous Land inhabited by an indignous group. ...
Optional Key Value(s) Description
ethnicity {text} For any feature denoting land claim or ownership, the ethnicity(ies) making the claim.


Populated places.

Key Value Type Description Optional Attributes Rendered Style
place city Densely populated urban area. ...
Optional Key Value(s) Description
name {text} The default name of the feature.
population {num} The population of the feature.
place village The largest administrative unit. ...
Optional Key Value(s) Description
name {text} The default name of the feature.
population {num} The population of the feature.


Administrative boundaries.

Key Value Type Description Optional Attributes Rendered Style
boundary province The largest administrative unit. ...
Optional Key Value(s) Description
name {text} The default name of the feature.
population {num} The population of the feature.
boundary district The next smallest administrative unit. ...
Optional Key Value(s) Description
name {text} The default name of the feature.
population {num} The population of the feature.
boundary territory The next smallest administrative unit. ...
Optional Key Value(s) Description
name {text} The default name of the feature.
population {num} The population of the feature.
boundary sector The next smallest administrative unit. also known as collectivity. ...
Optional Key Value(s) Description
name {text} The default name of the feature.
population {num} The population of the feature.
boundary groupment The next smallest administrative unit. ...
Optional Key Value(s) Description
name {text} The default name of the feature.
population {num} The population of the feature.
boundary clan The next smallest administrative unit. usually a grouped cluster of villages. ...
Optional Key Value(s) Description
name {text} The default name of the feature.
population {num} The population of the feature.
boundary locality The smallest administrative unit. a village's territorial boundary. ...
Optional Key Value(s) Description
name {text} The default name of the feature.
population {num} The population of the feature.


Roads, either existing or planned, relating to general public transportation or to a specific land use project. important optional attributes include ‘proposed’ and ‘logging’.

Key Value Type Description Optional Attributes Rendered Style
highway motorway A restricted access major divided highway, normally with 2 or more running lanes plus emergency hard shoulder. equivalent to the freeway, autobahn, etc. ...
Optional Key Value(s) Description
name {text} The default name of the feature.
ref {text} Road reference name (distinct from name attribute).
proposed true This road has been flagged for redevelopment under the road rehabilitation project.
logging true This road is used in timber extraction, not for general public transportation.
highway trunk The most important roads in a country's system that aren't motorways. ...
Optional Key Value(s) Description
name {text} The default name of the feature.
ref {text} Road reference name (distinct from name attribute).
proposed true This road has been flagged for redevelopment under the road rehabilitation project.
logging true This road is used in timber extraction, not for general public transportation.
highway primary The next most important roads in a country's system--often link larger towns. ...
Optional Key Value(s) Description
name {text} The default name of the feature.
ref {text} Road reference name (distinct from name attribute).
proposed true This road has been flagged for redevelopment under the road rehabilitation project.
logging true This road is used in timber extraction, not for general public transportation.
highway secondary The next most important roads in a country's system--often link smaller towns and villages. ...
Optional Key Value(s) Description
name {text} The default name of the feature.
ref {text} Road reference name (distinct from name attribute).
proposed true This road has been flagged for redevelopment under the road rehabilitation project.
logging true This road is used in timber extraction, not for general public transportation.
highway tertiary The next most important roads in a country's system. ...
Optional Key Value(s) Description
name {text} The default name of the feature.
ref {text} Road reference name (distinct from name attribute).
proposed true This road has been flagged for redevelopment under the road rehabilitation project.
logging true This road is used in timber extraction, not for general public transportation.
highway residential Roads which are primarily lined with and serve as an access to housing. ...
Optional Key Value(s) Description
name {text} The default name of the feature.
ref {text} Road reference name (distinct from name attribute).
proposed true This road has been flagged for redevelopment under the road rehabilitation project.
logging true This road is used in timber extraction, not for general public transportation.
highway service For access roads to, or within an industrial estate, camp site, business park, car park etc. ...
Optional Key Value(s) Description
name {text} The default name of the feature.
ref {text} Road reference name (distinct from name attribute).
proposed true This road has been flagged for redevelopment under the road rehabilitation project.
logging true This road is used in timber extraction, not for general public transportation.


Any infrastructure involved in energy production or transmission.

Key Value Type Description Optional Attributes Rendered Style
energy dam A structure that obstructs the flow of water in order to generate power ...
Optional Key Value(s) Description
operator {text} The owner/operator of the feature, as in the case of a concession or industrial project.
status {text} The operational status of the feature, as in the case of a concession or industrial project.
capacity {num} For an electrical feature (e.g. dam or transmission line), the electrical capacity (mw•h).
energy transmission_line High tension wires to transport energy ...
Optional Key Value(s) Description
status {text} The operational status of the feature, as in the case of a concession or industrial project.
capacity {num} For an electrical feature (e.g. dam or transmission line), the electrical capacity (mw•h).