When: June 23rd , 6pm - 8pm w/ light refreshments to follow
Pearson lecture Theatre,
Department of Geography University College London
Pearson Building
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT (map)
Please RSVP to info@moabi.org
For several years, ExCiteS and Moabi have developed new tools and approaches to forest monitoring in the Congo Basin rainforests. Using a combination of old-fashioned field work coupled with cutting edge mapping technology, team members will present experiences implementing programs under the challenging environmental and political conditions characterizing the region. They will discuss how efforts can be scaled to meet the challenges of FLEGT, REDD+, and the emerging palm oil industry. We look forward to a lively discussion!
Jerome Lewis (UCL ExCiteS)
6:00 - 6:15pm
Republic of Congo FLEGT monitoring
Muki Haklay (UCL ExCiteS)
6:15 - 6:25pm
Towards ‘intelligent maps’ for non-literate participants: vision and current development.
Mentioning Sapelli and GeoKey - Control and Distribution
Michalis Vitos (UCL ExCites)
6:25 - 6:35pm
Sapelli Collector and direction of development (need to improve interactions and accuracy of use)
Julia Altenbuchner (UCL ExCiteS)
6:35 - 6:45pm
Using aerial imagery as basemap – finding
Drones for basic data collection
Leo Bottrill (Moabi)
6:45 - 7pm
Moabi.org: What is it and what’s it all about?
Eulalie Guilluame (Moabi)
7 - 7:15pm
Challenges to Independent Monitoring of REDD+ in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Discussion and Q&A
7:15 - 8pm
Light refreshments will be served immediately following the event